First Grade is really focusing on kindness this week. Today we were reminded, “Before you speak, think and be smart. It’s hard to fix a wrinkled heart.” Our words have consequences, and we want to be the nice kids!!

Fun learning about the difference between physical and chemical change in Mrs Withrow’s class.

National School Bus Safety Week starts today.

Our Halloween Dance will be on October 26th from 6-8 in the cafeteria. Admission is free and students may invite one student from another school. They will need to pick up a guest form in the office. There will be a costume contest!

Today was a perfect day for our trip to the Pumpkin Patch. What could be better than a day spent outdoors with friends?

Our phone service and internet is back up. Thank you for your patience.

At this time our phones and internet is down. Please be patient while we address this issue. Feel free to email Mr. Cass with what you need and we will get back to everyone as soon as possible.

https://bethelschool.itemorder.com. this is our link for our online spirit wear. Please help support our basketball teams. store is open now and will close oct 21

Reminder: We have no school on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Bethel Grade School is looking for an individual aide to start immediately. Please follow the link to see the position details and to apply. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Cass. https://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/Job-Posting/152630/Individual-Aide/job-details

Congratulations to the Cross Country team. They ended their season at the regional meet at the Mt. Vernon Airport. Our top girls finisher was Zoey Prince and our top boys finisher was Masyn Morgan. This group made lots of gains this year and we can't wait to see what next year will bring.

Reminder: Picture day is tomorrow, October 8.

After completing a unit about cells, 8th grade did projects. Students had the option of building a model, creating a Netflix series or even writing a song and making a video.

Reminder: We dismiss at 2:00 tomorrow, October 4th.

Congratulations to Falenn Clark-Smith (17th) and Remington Stanley (24th) for placing in the JV race at the County Cross Country Meet today at the airport. The regional meet will take place next week.

Bethel Grade School would like to wish Mr. Wagner and Mr. Stewart a Happy Custodians Day. Your hard work does not go unnoticed.

We would like to give a big shoutout to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office for their help in conducting our intruder drill today. Captain Weeks and Deputy Weaver walked through our procedure and helped us with any vulnerabilities. We are very thankful for this guidance as we make student safety a top priority.

Girls and Boys Basketball games are starting soon!!
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help with the concession stand. This is an excellent way to support our school.
**No Experience Necessary!!**
Boys Basketball Sign Up: https://evite.me/C43waqDEya
Girls Basketball Sign Up: https://evite.me/ec2ekPpkgy

Is there a better way to celebrate the first week of fall than with mini pies and ice cream? First grade doesn’t think so!

The Bethel-McClellan softball season came to an end today with a regional tournament loss to top-seeded Waltonville. A big thank you to the kids, coaches, and parents for your commitment to our schools.